Today is my birthday, but I haven't received any blessings yet. ? ‎ nobita

Today is my birthday, but I haven’t received any blessings yet. ? ‎ nobita

Today is our birthday. A special day, a day that should be filled with joy and good wishes. But it’s sad, nobody remembers, they don’t send us congratulations. In the endless silence of social media, the phone did not ring once.

We used to think of this day with so much hope. We look forward to sincere wishes from our loved ones, friends and colleagues. We hope to receive warm messages, happy calls or just a message from the heart. But all that seems to have been forgotten.

As the clock ticked by, the silence grew heavier. We silently look back at the past, think about the memories we had and ask ourselves: “What did we do wrong? Why doesn’t anyone remember this day? The feeling of loneliness creeps into every moment, making the heart feel heavy.

No one can deny that congratulations, even the simplest ones, can bring joy and warmth. We long for the feeling of being loved, remembered and valued. But today we can only console ourselves with old memories and wishes of ourselves.

We understand that a busy life can make people forget many things. But on a special day like a birthday, we always hope to receive attention, even a little. Perhaps, in this silence, we learn to love and value ourselves more. We’ll have fun, throw a little party, and congratulate ourselves on making it through another challenging year.

Even if there are no wishes from others today, we will not let sadness invade us. We will congratulate each other with all faith and hope. Because, in the end, the greatest love and appreciation must come from yourself.

Today is our birthday and we still deserve to be happy, even if we are alone.

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