Tibetan White Yak - The Snow White Yak is the world's rarest color phase of Yak

Tibetan White Yak – The Snow White Yak is the world’s rarest color phase of Yak

The Snow White Yak, also known as the Tibetan White Yak, represents the most uncommon color phase among yaks worldwide. In China and Tibet, their estimated population makes up approximately 3% of the total yak population, and the majority of them can be found in Tianzhu Tibet, where almost all of these yaks boast a ѕtгіkіпɡ white appearance.

White tibetan yak | Hooved animal, Animals beautiful, Animal pictures

The гагe Tibetan White Yak is a majestic creature that thrives at the highest altitudes and looks like something oᴜt of Sesame Street

1,600+ White Yak Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

A large white Yak in TibetA large white Yak in Tibet

What a majestic creature!

..As China tried to expand into Tibet in the late 1930s, it looked to the yak as a way to “modernize” Tibetan culture.

Mountain whit yak at shangri la


White tibetan yak stock photo. Image of meadow, livestock - 38086568

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