Saint Louis Zoo Welcomes Two Adorable Amur Leopard Cubs. nobita

Saint Louis Zoo Welcomes Two Adorable Amur Leopard Cubs. nobita

Two critically endangered Amur leopard cubs were born at the Saint Louis Zoo on April 21, 2022. These new arrivals, both females, are a significant addition to the dwindling population of Amur leopards in North American zoos.

This birth marks the first time since 2010 that the zoo has welcomed Amur leopard cubs, making it an essential step toward conserving one of the world’s rarest big cats.

Watch the video at the end.

The cubs have been named Anya, meaning “grace,” and Irina, meaning “peace.” The zoo’s Carnivore Care Team chose the names.

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This is the first litter for their mother, Dorothy (also known as Dot), and their father, Samson. Both parents are four years old.

Dot and the cubs are doing well and will remain in a private indoor maternity den for the next few months.

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This allows the cubs to grow and become strong enough to explore their outdoor habitat safely. Samson, the father, is available for visitors to see at Big Cat Country.

Steve Bircher, Kevin Beckmann Curator of Carnivores at Saint Louis Zoo, shared, “Dot is an excellent mother, and it’s thrilling to see this first-time mom providing great care to her cubs. With so few of these big cats left in the world, each birth is crucial for the species’ survival.”

The first few months of life are critical for newborn leopards. The zoo’s animal care team closely monitors the family, and both cubs appear healthy.

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At two weeks old, the cubs underwent their first health check, which included a brief examination and a weigh-in. They weighed about 2.5 pounds at that time, typical for their age.

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Amur Leopard Species Survival Plan recommended the pairing of Dot and Samson, which aims to maintain a genetically healthy population of Amur leopards in North American zoos.

This program is crucial because fewer than 100 Amur leopards remain in the wild, primarily in the coniferous forests of Primorye Province in far eastern Russia.

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Bircher explained, “There are more Amur leopards in human care than in the wild. The global zoo population of Amur leopards is about 300 individuals. Without zoo conservation efforts, this species could face extinction due to loss of genetic diversity and other threats in the wild, such as habitat loss from logging, human encroachment, and poaching.”

Amur leopard cubs are born after a gestation period of around 100 days. In the wild, cubs stay with their mother for about 1.5 years before young males establish their territories, while females may continue to share their mother’s territory as they mature.

For more information and updates on the cubs, visit the Saint Louis Zoo’s website or follow them on social media.

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The zoo is home to over 14,000 animals, representing nearly 500 species, and is renowned for its innovative animal care and management practices.

Accredited by the AZA, the Saint Louis Zoo is one of the few free zoonation wide on and attracts approximately 3 million visitors annually.

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