Lamz.Revving Up to the Top: Inside Andre Onana's Impressive Car Collection, Drawing Attention from Supercar Enthusiasts Worldwide

Lamz.Revving Up to the Top: Inside Andre Onana’s Impressive Car Collection, Drawing Attention from Supercar Enthusiasts Worldwide

Dubbed one of Manchester United’s top goalkeepers, Andre Onana’s impressive car collection with an estimated value of up to $5 million has attracted the attention of supercar enthusiasts around the world. Around the world.


1. Bugatti Chiron – Estimated price: 3 million dollars

The Bugatti Chiron is known as one of the fastest and most expensive supercars in the world. With tremendous power from the twin-turbo W16 quad-turbo engine, the Chiron can reach a maximum speed of more than 420 km/h.

Andre Onana on X: "Relax the day before a game #carlovers" / X.

Andre Onana spills it again as Man Utd blunder goalie spotted dropping his car keys hours after Bayern horror show | The Sun

2. Lamborghini Aventador SVJ – Estimated price: $600,000

Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is one of Lamborghini’s famous super sports cars. With an angular design, powerful V12 engine and advanced technology, the Aventador SVJ can accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 2.8 seconds.

Soccrates Images - Andre Onana

3. Rolls-Royce Dawn – Estimated price: $400,000

Rolls-Royce Dawn is a luxurious and classy car from the British car company Rolls-Royce. With its outstanding design and luxurious interior, Dawn delivers a truly comfortable and classy driving experience.

Soccrates Images - Andre Onana



4. Porsche 911 GT3 RS – Estimated price: $250,000

The Porsche 911 GT3 RS is a fast and exciting sports car. With its powerful engine and lightweight, the GT3 RS offers impressive agility and acceleration.

The first pictures of Andre Onana in Man Utd clothing and at Carrington after his arrival | Manchester United

5. BMW i8 – Estimated price: $250,000

The BMW i8 is a hybrid sports car, that combines gasoline and electric engines. With a unique exterior design and quick acceleration, the i8 offers a combination of performance and energy efficiency.

Andre Onana flies in to complete Man Utd transfer TODAY... but deal leaves Ten Hag with just £20m to spend on striker | The Sun

This is a luxurious and diverse car collection that reflects Andre Onana’s style and taste. Note that the estimated value may vary according to market and personal factors.

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