Lamz.Introducing MacGyver: The Larger-Than-Life Red Lizard Roaming California!

Lamz.Introducing MacGyver: The Larger-Than-Life Red Lizard Roaming California!

Meet MacGyver, the cuddly Argentine red tegu lizard with a massive online following!

Meet MacGyver – an Argentine red tegu lizard from California who may be the most popular lizard on eагtһ

He just celebrated his 4th birthday with an adorable ‘salmon cake’


With over 156k followers on Instagram, 44k followers on Youtube, and even a LinkedIn page

Every day, thousands of people look at pics and videos of MacGyver bonding

Meeting new people

Giving kisses


Taking selfies

And, most importantly, cuddling

MacGyver really loves to cuddle

“He can go anywhere he wants pretty much in the house,” one of his owner’s, Scott, says

“But he’ll choose to come over and sleep right in front of the couch where our feet are”

He’s just too cute

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