Heroic Woman Rescues Two-Headed Baby Turtle from Busy Road, Adorably Names It 'Frank and Stein' nobita

Heroic Woman Rescues Two-Headed Baby Turtle from Busy Road, Adorably Names It ‘Frank and Stein’ nobita

Two heads are better than one! Woman saves double-headed baby turtle…and names it Frank and Stein

A woman in Maine came across a two-headed baby snapping turtle that was trying to cross the road.

Kathleen Talbot of Hudson told WLBZ-TV she discovered the turtle as she monitored other turtle hatchlings trekking across.

“I thought he had two feet in the front,’ she told the affiliate station.  ‘I thought he was deformed. I didn’t realize it was two heads until I got him home and washed him. Then he came to life– and was just starving.’

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Striking: Kathleen Talbot came across a two-headed baby snapping turtle that was trying to cross the road

The young turtle was named Frank and Stein, the affiliate station said.

Talbot told Bangor Daily News ‘I bought him reptile pellets, which he’s not sure if he likes yet, but he does like worms and flies and hamburger.’

‘My intentions aren’t to keep him, but to at least give him a good start,’ she told the newspaper. ‘Then maybe the New England Aquarium or some place like that would want him.’

Tasty treats: Talbot has said Frank and Stein enjoy eating ‘worms and flies and hamburger’

Yorks also told the newspaper ‘I’ve read about these situations most of my life. One thing with two-headed turtles is you need to be careful that they don’t drown.

‘Basically, they can get stuck in funny positions or flip over and not be able to right themselves. Normally, if they flip over, they can use their head to right themselves, but if they have two heads trying to do different things, they can get stuck.’

‘He’s a feisty little rascal,’ Talbot told the newspaper. ‘He’s already eating with both heads at just 24 hours old.’

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