With radiant smiles on their faces, the beluga whales are returned to the water.

With radiant smiles on their faces, the beluga whales are returned to the water.

Two beluga whales with the names Little Gray and Little White have resided in the Chengfeng Aquarium in Shanghai for more than ten years. They were brought to an exclusive marine animal sanctuary in Klettsvik Bay, Iceland, after a lengthy effort by British environmentalists. Photo: PA.

Tieu Khoi and Tieu Bach need an unique marine reserve because they can’t thrive in the ocean because they are accustomed to confinement. According to reports, these two belugas were captured when they were 2 years old in Russia’s subarctic waters. Picture from China Daily.

They were shipped to Iceland last year, but it took ᴛι̇ɱe to prepare before being released into Klettsvik Bay. Two belugas are trained by experts to hold their breath longer, allowing them to dive deeper and stay underwater longer. They are also trained to develop the muscles needed to swim in currents or tidal conditions. Photo: PA.

The two beluga whales also had ᴛι̇ɱe to get used to the cold water before being released into the bay. This species mainly inhabits the cold seas around the Arctic. In the wild, they usually live for 40 to 60 years. Photo: PA.

In June 2019, they had to go through a journey of more than 30 hours by land and air from Shanghai to Iceland. After nearly a year of being acquainted and trained in the intensive care facility, now Tieu Khoi and Tieu Bach are released into the sea for the first ᴛι̇ɱe in more than a decade. Photo: PA.

The Sea Life Trust, the organization behind the campaign, says the reserve at Klettsvik Bay, the world’s first nature reserve for marine mammals, will “provide a wider and more natural habitat for the beluga whales”. The reserve covers an area of 32,000 m2, with an average depth of 10 m and is separated from the bay by nets. Photo: PA.

The staff said the two belugas are now eating well and communicating with them – a positive sign. Tieu Khoi – the more aggressive animal – even went around to explore the reserve, while Tieu Bach was still a bit reserved. Photo: PA.

The two fish will be continuously monitored for their health to make sure they are adapting well to their new environment. It is expected that if Tieu Khoi and Tieu Bach have no problems, another 8 to 10 beluga whales will be brought to the reserve on Klettsvik Bay in the future. There are still more than 300 individuals of this species in captivity around the

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