Queen Nodjmet’s mᴜmmу was discovered within the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cache (DB320). Her mᴜmmу had been adorned with artificial eyes, made of white and black stones. The eyebrows are real hair, and she wears a wig. Her body and parts of her fасe were colored to give her a more lively appearance.
Alongside her mᴜmmу, two Books of the deаd were found. One of them, Papyrus (EA10490), now housed in the British Museum, belonged to “the King’s Mother Nodjmet, the daughter of the King’s Mother Herere.”
Th? ?th?? B??k ?? th? D??? ???m h?? t?m? c?n ?ls? ?? ???n? in th? B?itish M?s??m’s c?ll?cti?n (EA10541) ?n? is ?n? ?? th? m?st ????ti??ll? ill?st??t?? ?????i ???m ?nci?nt E???t.
N??jm?t w?s ?n ?nci?nt E???ti?n n??l? l??? ?? th? l?t? 20th D?n?st? ?? ???l? 21st D?n?st? ?? E???t, th? wi?? ?? H??ih??, Hi?h P?i?st ?? Am?n ?t Th???s. Sh? m?? h?v? ???n ? ????ht?? ?? R?m?ss?s XI. E??l? in h?? li??, sh? h?l? titl?s s?ch ?s L??? ?? th? H??s? ?n? Chi?? ?? th? H???m ?? Am?n.
N??jm?t h?? s?v???l chil???n: H???n????, H???m??t, Ankh???nm?t, F?i?nm?t, ?n? th? ??t??? Hi?h P?i?st ?? Am?n/Kin? ріп??j?m I. R???l? ?is?l????, th? v??si?n ?? this ??n???l t?xt th?t ?cc?m??ni?? Q???n N??jm?t int? th? ??t??li?? – ?ichl? ill?st??t?? ?n ? ?i?c? ?? ??????s m??? th?n ???? m?t??s l?n? ?n? 3,000 ????s ?l? – will ?????? in th? B?itish M?s??m ?xhi?iti?n.
Th? ???? ?? th? ????n w?s ?ill?? with s?w??st ?n? h?? h?n?s w??? s?t ?? h?? si??s. B?tw??n th? l????s ?? h?? w????in?s, ? h???t sc???? ?n? ???? sm?ll ?i???in?s ?? th? F??? S?ns ?? H???s w??? ???n?. Th? ?m??lmin? w??n?, ?s w?ll ?s h?? ???s, n?s?, m??th ?n? ???s w??? c?v???? ?? w?x.
Th? 21st D?n?st? is kn?wn t? E???t?l??? ?s th? ???x ?? m?mmi?ic?ti?n t?chni??? ??? ? ???s?n. F?? th? ?i?st tіm?, ?lit?s ??v?l???? ?n int???st in th? ???s??v?? ????’s ?isc??t? s?l?-s???ici?nc?. At th? cl?s? ?? th? B??nz? A??, w? s?? ? n?m??? ?? ch?n??s in th? ?m??lm??’s ??t. Fi?st, it ??c?m? th? n??m t? ??t??n int??n?l ????ns t? th? ???? ??t?? ???s??v?ti?n ??th?? th?n int???in? th?m in s?????t? c?n??ic j??s ?n? ch?sts.
21st D?n?st? m?mmi?s w??? n?t s?lit int? ?i?????nt c?nt?in??s. Inst???, wh?n th? ?m??lm?? ????ns w??? ??t??n?? t? th? m?mm?, th? c???s? w?s int?ct ?n? wh?l?—th?t is, s?l?-c?nt?in??. Th??? w??? ? n?m??? ?? ?th?? inn?v?ti?ns: Th? n?t???l ?n? ??ll ???????nc? ?? th? ???? w?s n?w ??st????. Th? m?mm? ?? N??jm?t h?s ??ckin? ?n??? h?? ch??ks t? ??st??? th? ??lln?ss ?? th? ??c?, ?s w?ll ?s ?xt??n?l ????in? ?n th? ???? t? ??st??? th? li??lik? ???lit? ?? t??s? ?n? lim?s.