UFO’s Moving Light in the Sky Wakes Everyone Up!

On February 12, while on the road near Shasta Mountain, California (USA), employee Paul Zerr of Shasta-McCloud management unit captured a giant sphere appearing in the sky, with the same shape as a UFO. However, this is actually just a lenticular cloud.

In her post, Donna Kleaver Thompson, Shasta-McCloud unit manager, says: “Lens cloud is shaped like a lens and it is formed from streams of dry and moist air as it flies across the sky. over the tops of mountains or hills. Most of the time, lenticular clouds will appear in winter over Mount Shasta.”

The word lenticular comes from a Latin word meaning “lens shape”, referring to the strange shape of the cloud. It is known that when the flow of moisture and dryness flies over the mountains, it will be pushed up by strong winds and at a certain saturation, it will form a cloud with a shape that looks quite like a UFO. makes some people who love stories about aliens will be delighted.

And in fact, in August 2020, a town close to Mount Shasta will hold a conference called “Meet the Venusians – We’re In Touch”. No matter how the authorities tried to refute the UFO rumors, social media users still used the event to talk freely.


“It’s the flying saucer again.”

“I know for sure there are flying saucers, here’s proof.”

“All the giant invaders that have invaded Mars hide themselves behind such clouds.”


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