The sick dog's journey from despair to recovery unfolded as the family's hope diminished.CATS

The sick dog’s journey from despair to recovery unfolded as the family’s hope diminished.CATS

No living being deserves to be abandoned, much less a dog  who was terribly ill and was still left to fend for herself by her family. Fortunately, angels appeared on her path to help her have a second chance at life.

Little dog

Although one day she had a home,  Sabina ended up on the streets  of Tabasco, Mexico, when she contracted papilloma and TVT (transmissible venous tumor). Her body began to give off a bad odor due to the illness and, as she broke out in rashes everywhere, people rejected her and refused to help her.Sabina begged for help from everyone who passed by her.

When she least expected it,  a kind woman leaned towards her, caressed her and asked her to wait while she went for help . The dog trusted those words that gave her hope and, from there, everything changed…h-a-n-h

The furry girl was rescued by the  Caninos 911, AC association , where she immediately received veterinary care. Her recovery would be a long road, but neither she nor the rescuers were willing to give up.His health deteriorated further as he began treatment.

Despite the effort everyone was making to heal Sabina,  her body was not reacting properly and her condition worsened . She needed to stay in the emergency room and the association publicized her story with the intention that Internet users would support the veterinary costs.

“Our love works miracles, but without your contributions we cannot achieve great changes, do not stop supporting us!”, the association announced.h-a-n-h

After 15 days, Sabina’s hives finally began to heal . She was able to be discharged; She discovered that life has many good things to offer to beings as beautiful as her and learned to overcome one day at a time.h-a-n-h

His treatment required 9 long months . As time went by, in addition to her body, this dog’s battered soul recovered and, finally, she was able to be put up for adoption. It was time to leave for a new home.She was adopted and the best awaited her.

It was a family from the same town as the shelter who decided to open the doors of their house for Sabina. Her new human mother is called Rosaura Fiorini  and she has several canine siblings who, like her, were also rescued and adopted.Sabina gained a little human brother named Sebastian who teaches her many tricks.h-a-n-h

Every day is an adventure for this dog . She loves going for a walk in the park and, upon returning home, she lies next to her human dad to be showered with lots of cuddles and hugs, as she has always deserved.Now he has the best of lives.h-a-n-h

After being on the verge of losing her life,  Sabina celebrated her 5th birthday a couple of months ago ; Her family is more than happy to have her by her side and she has forgotten her sad past with so much love received.h-a-n-h

“Happy birthday Sabina, beautiful princess. 5 years ago you came to our house and shook us with your beauty, love and madness. You are loved and happy, I pray to God that you will be with us for many more years,” wrote a member of this dog’s current family.h-a-n-h

The association has not stopped closely following Sabina’s progress  and, although she has completely forgotten the difficult process she went through, they are happy to see her great transformation and joy.h-a-n-h

There is no doubt, after the storm always comes calm and something much better. Congratulations Sabina, you deserve all the happiness in the world!h-a-n-h

You can also change the lives of many animals in need; You just have to open your heart and encourage adoption.h-a-n-h

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