The puppy, left in a wasteland, had a heartwarming backstory and a belly the size of a basketball.CATS

The puppy, left in a wasteland, had a heartwarming backstory and a belly the size of a basketball.CATS

Behind in a deserted area with not many people passing by, we found a puppy lying motionless and still alive.
However, the belly is what we pay attention to because it is very big, as if the dog had swallowed a basketball.

As soon as it saw us, the dog immediately stood up and walked with difficulty. Do you think he’s running away? No!

It seems like it’s leading us somewhere..
Oh my God! Here seems to be their refuge. There are two more little angels here, they are extremely hungry and dirty, their bodies are shaking.

We immediately brought them back to the station for a health check.

Luckily, a miracle came, that poor dog overcame it, the remaining two malnourished little angels got used to their new shared home, gradually accepted and opened their hearts to our love.

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