The BMPT-72 Terminator: tгапѕfoгmіпɡ T-72 Tanks into foгmіdаЬɩe Machines by Russian Manufacturer.thorr

The BMPT-72 Terminator: tгапѕfoгmіпɡ T-72 Tanks into foгmіdаЬɩe Machines by Russian Manufacturer.thorr

R?ssi?’s U??lV???nZ?v?? (UVZ) is ???s?ntin? ? c?m??llin? s?l?ti?n ?? t??ns???min? ??in? T-72 m?in ??ttl? t?nks (MBTs) int? ??v?nc?? BMPT-72 ‘T??min?t??’-st?l? ?i?? s?????t v??icl?s. UVZ ??im??il? t????ts int??n?ti?n?l c?st?m??s wit? ?l??? t?nk ?l??ts ??? t?is c?nv??si?n s??vic?. T?? ??t???ittin? ?? t??s? ??t??t?? t?nks int? t?? BMPT-72 c?n?i????ti?n ??s?lts in ? c?m??t v??icl? ???stin? ?nti??l? ??v?m??? c????iliti?s, n???l? ?n ??? wit? t?? BMPT T??min?t??-2. C?m????? t? t?? T??min?t??-2, t?? BMPT-72 ???sts ? ????c?? c??w ?? t????, incl??in? ? c?mm?n???, ??nn??-?????t??, ?n? ??iv??, ?c?i?v?? ?? ??m?vin? its 30mm ???n??? l??nc???s. Its w????n?? incl???s ?n ?nm?nn?? t????t ??m?? wit?:

F??? l??nc???s ??? t?? 130 mm 9M120 At?k?-T ?nti-t?nk ??i??? missil? (ATGM)

Tw? 30 mm 2A42 ??t?c?nn?ns wit? 850 ???n?s

Eit??? tw? AG-17D ?? tw? AGS-30 30 mm ???n??? l??nc???s wit? 600 ???n?s

On? 7.62 mm PKTM m?c?in? ??n ???i???? wit? 2,000 ???n?s

T?? BMPT’s ??im??? ??m?m?nt c?nsists ?? t?? tw? 30 mm 2A42 ??t?c?nn?ns, c????l? ?? c????in? 850 ???n?s ?? ?????-t?-?s? ?mm?niti?n. T??s? twin ??t?c?nn?ns ???st ? c?m?in?? ?i?? ??t? ?? 600 ???n?s ??? min?t?, ???vi?in? c?ntin???s ?i?? ??? 85 s?c?n?s ?????? ????i?in? ??l???in?, t?kin? int? ?cc??nt ???ctic?l ??t?-??-?i?? limit?ti?ns s?c? ?s ?????l ?v?????tin?. T?? ???j?ctil?s ???m t??s? ??t?c?nn?ns ?c?i?v? ? m?zzl? v?l?cit? ?? 960 m/s. A??iti?n?ll?, ? 7.62 mm PKTM m?c?in? ??n is c??xi?ll? m??nt?? wit? t?? m?in ??m?m?nt. T?? BMPT ?m?l??s At?k? missil?s t? n??t??liz? ???vil? ??m???? t????ts s?c? ?s t?nks (s????? c?????), in??nt?? (t???m????ic w??????), ?? ?i?c???t (c?ntin???s ???). T?? T??min?t??’s ATGMs ?tiliz? l?s?? ???m ?i?in? SACLOS ??i??nc?. T?? ??i?in?l 9M120 At?k? missil? m??s???s 130 mm in ?i?m?t?? ?n? ???t???s ? t?n??m w?????? c????l? ?? ??n?t??tin? ?x?l?siv? ???ctiv? ??m?? (ERA). S??s????nt v??si?ns c?n ??n?t??t? ?? t? 950 mm ?? R?ll?? ??m???n???s ??m?? (RHA) ???in? ERA. T?? ?nti-???s?nn?l v??i?nt (9M120F) c?nt?ins ? t???m????ic w?????? wit? ? ?l?st ????ct ???iv?l?nt t? 9.5 k? ?? TNT.

Distin??is?in? t?? T??min?t?? 1 ???m its s?cc?ss??, it s??v?s ?s ? ??t???it-?nl? ??ck???, ??????in? ?l? T-72B ?? T-72M t?nks t? BMPT-72 st?n????. T?? BMPT-72’s m??ilit? cl?s?l? mi????s t??t ?? t?? ??i?in?l T-72. An ??xili??? ?i?s?l A?xili??? P?w?? Unit (APU) is inc??????t?? t? ?n??l? t?? v??icl? t? m?int?in m?st ??ncti?ns w??n t?? m?in ?n?in? is ???ctiv?t??.

Tw? ??ti?ns ??? ?v?il??l?, ? sm?ll 5 kW DGU-5-P27 5-VM1 ?n? ?n 8 kW DGU-8-P27 5-VM1. T?? BMPT st?n?s ?t ? ??i??t ?? 3.33 m ?n? ??s ? wi?t? ?? 3.6 m, w?????s t?? O?j?ct 199 R?mk? m??s???? 3.44 m in ??i??t ?n? 3.8 m in wi?t?. A??iti?n?l sl?t ??m?? is ???ix?? t? t?? c??ssis’s ???? ?n? si??s t? ?n??nc? ???t?cti?n ???inst ??ck?t-?????ll?? ???n???s. Missil? l??nc???s ??? t?? At?k? missil?s ??? ???ti?i?? wit? ?xt?? ??m?? t? s?i?l? ???inst s?lint??s ?n? sm?ll ??ms ?i??. C?ll?ctiv? c??mic?l, ?i?l??ic?l, ???i?l??ic?l ?n? n?cl??? (CBRN) ???t?cti?n is ?xt?n??? t? t?? c??w m?m???s ??? ????? s???t?.

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