Taylor Swift has completed first ever gig in Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, which was completely ѕoɩd-oᴜt, setting a record attendance at Taylor Swift. nobita

Taylor Swift has completed first ever gig in Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, which was completely ѕoɩd-oᴜt, setting a record attendance at Taylor Swift. nobita

Taylor fans were all geared up for something special

Taylor Swift celebrates 100th show of Eras tour in Liverpool - Ireland Live

Taylor Swift has marked a significant milestone as she brought her Eras Tour to Anfield stadium for the first of three nights.

Swifties have been convinced something massive will happen on Thursday, because the Reputation singer loves celebrating a landmark. Not only is tonight Taylor Swift’s 100th show of the Eras Tour, but it takes place on June 13.

Fans believe it’s no coincidence that the anniversary show takes place on the 13th, as this is Taylor’s favourite number. According to her very loyal fanbase number six also has significance.

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Addressing the occasion, the 34-year-old told the tens of thousands of people at Anfield: “Liverpool, are we enjoying the Red era so far? Oh, good. You know, this is actually the 100th show of the Eras Tour! Absolutely, that blows my mind.

“That doesn’t feel like a real statistic, to me, because this has definitely been exhausting, all-encompassing, but most joyful, most rewarding, most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life, this tour. That’s what I want to say to you. And I think, you know, a lot of you are like, ‘How are you going to celebrate the 100th show?’

“And for me, the celebration of the 100th show for me, means, this is the very first time I’ve ever acknowledged to myself, and admitted that this tour is going to end in December, like that’s it. And that feels like so far away from now, but then again, it feels like we just played our first show on this tour, because you have made this so much fun for us, that we wanted to do a hundred shows, 150-something shows that we have on the whole tour, and you know, I think that this tour has really become my entire life.

Taylor Swift's Dancers Celebrate 100th Eras Tour Show in Liverpool | Us Weekly

“Like, it’s become, it’s taken over everything. I think I once had hobbies, but I don’t know what they were anymore, because all I do when I’m not onstage is sit at home, and try to think of clever acoustic song mashups, and think about what you might want to hear and just, really, when I’m not on the stage, I’m dreaming about being back on the stage with you guys.

“And you have done so much to be with us, right? You’ve made plans so far in advance, you planned what you were going to wear, you memorised lyrics, you got yourselves here, you figured out parking, you figured out transportation, and I want to spend the hundredth show just thinking about that, and living in this moment with you, and being here with you.

“And just know that I appreciate every single ounce of effort that you’ve been to being with when this tour reaches triple digits of shows. So, thank you. And there is actually one more song that I’d love to play with you from Red, if you happen to have about 10 minutes to spare?”

After the honest speech, Taylor went straight into All Too Red, much to the joy of her many fans.

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