Mother Gives Birth to 11lbs 5oz Baby, Weighing the Same as a Bowling Ball.

Mother Gives Birth to 11lbs 5oz Baby, Weighing the Same as a Bowling Ball.

The weight of newborns has increased globally. Babies that were once thought to be enormous have become increasingly regular in recent years, and there have even been some deliveries that broke records. A mother has described how she delivered a child that was the same weight as a bowling ball and over 11 pounds.


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Helen Sellers, 34, of Leeds gave birth to Celia, who weighed an enormous 11 lbs. 5 oz. The mother of two and T-T nurse even remarked that Celia was among the largest infants she had in her 16-year profession. She said that during her C-section, the nurses “took eons” to get the baby out. She continued, “At first, I wanted to try a natural delivery, but I’m glad I didn’t because I’m not sure she would have come out.”

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Helen had a large bump throughout the, and the mother-of-two continued, “My bump was massive; people often asked me if I was having twins. One of the coworkers repeatedly questioned my certainty that it wasn’t twins. The doctors tested me for stt ts, but they were t. Celia’s brother Roman, who is now three, and her wife Helen, who is now 37, were both born weighing less than 9 pounds. She said: “We’re not sure why Celia was so enormous. Carl is 6 foot 7 now, but he wasn’t a big baby. My consultant predicted that the kid will be large, but not as large as Roman, while I wasn’t pregnant.

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Thanks to her happy and healthy birth, Celia became a hospital celebrity after her birth. “The midwives were kind of laughing and saying she was incredibly huge,” Helen recalled. She was the talk of the ward, and because she was so large, everyone wanted to see her. Celia was the second-largest infant my, who had been employed for 16 years, had ever seen. We played “guess the weight” with my family, and my cousin put 11 pounds in, which I thought was so cheeky, but he was right! I never expecting her to be that weight. ”

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No newborn clothing fit Celia when she was born, therefore she had to move right away into size 0-3 clothing. I purchased a few baby clothes that fit up to one month, but I didn’t even bother taking them out of the packaging, Helen admitted. These wouldn’t fit her, I knew. She has already transitioned into 3-6 month clothing from the 0-3 month clothing I had purchased.

LaLa News

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