Man United ɩeɡeпd Roy Keane was spotted wearing an агѕeпаɩ shirt while Ian Wright states that Red Devils fans ‘are going do their nut in.thorr

Man United ɩeɡeпd Roy Keane was spotted wearing an агѕeпаɩ shirt while Ian Wright states that Red Devils fans ‘are going do their nut in.thorr

Ian Wright couldn’t believe his eyes when Roy Keane appeared in front of him wearing an Arsenal shirt, and supporters were even more startled.


The former Manchester United captain is one of the last individuals football fans would expect to see donning Arsenal’s uniform.


However, the unthinkable has occurred, with most assuming he lost some sort of bet to his good buddy and Arsenal icon.


Roy Keane appeared to see the funny side as he was seen wearing the shirt of old rivals Arsenal

‘It fits you,’ Wright replied, as Keane seemed amused by his retro shirt.


‘Man United fans are going to do their nut,’ Wright joked as Keane brought up an identical shirt bearing his fellow pundit’s name.


Roy Keane seems to see the funny side when he was pictured wearing the shirt of his former rivals Arsenal.


Arsenal legend Ian Wright (right) is close friends with Keane and clearly enjoyed the moment

Arsenal were United’s main rivals while Keane was captain.


The two sides fought many hard battles and each won many Premier League titles.


Keane, whose rivalry with Patrick Vieira is legendary, has revealed that he had true animosity for the north London club during his playing career.


‘I felt a lot of dislike for Arsenal since they were great rivals,’ he admitted.Image


“I can’t think of another word that comes to mind when I’m going into combat with Arsenal. Hatred was the word.


‘Normally, when you play football, you have one or two favourite players, but I don’t remember like anyone at Arsenal.Man United legend Roy Keane is spotted wearing an ARSENAL shirt as Ian  Wright jokes that Red Devils fans 'are gonna do their nut in'


Arsenal star Ian Wright (right) is close friends with Keane and evidently liked the situation.

‘When I was a player, I might have used that, but I used to work myself up to be angry and get my body excited because I knew I had to be at my best against Arsenal.


‘I’ve never felt that way against any other side, but Arsenal certainly brought out something new in me.

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