Lamz.The US Navy's Latest Stealth Submarine Has Arrived.

Lamz.The US Navy’s Latest Stealth Submarine Has Arrived.

The USS Montana will be a Virginia-class submarine of the United States Navy. The submarine is the U.S. State of Montana. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced its name on 3 September 2015 at a ceremony hosted in Billings, Montana with U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT). The boat will be the only the second commissioned warship bearing the name “Montana”.

This is the US Navy's new stealth submarine, the most advanced in the world - YouTube

A contract modification for USS Oregon (SSN-793), Montana (SSN-794), and USS Wyoming (SSN-795) was initiated awarded to General Dynamics Electric Boat for $594.7 million in April 2012. On 23 December 2014, they were further awarded an additional $121.8 million contract modification to buy long lead-time material for the three Virginia-class submarines. The U.S. Navy awarded General Dynamics Electric Boat the contract to construct 10 Block IV Virginia-class submarines for $17.6 billion on 28 April 2014. The tenth boat is scheduled for delivery in 2023.

Here Comes the USS Montana: The US Navy’s Latest Stealth Submarine

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