Lamz.Proud Stroll: Antony Takes a Walk with His Pregnant Girlfriend, Following His Goal in Man Utd's FA Cup Triumph over Liverpool

Lamz.Proud Stroll: Antony Takes a Walk with His Pregnant Girlfriend, Following His Goal in Man Utd’s FA Cup Triumph over Liverpool

ANTONY took a stroll with expectant girlfriend Rosilene Silva after Manchester United’s FA Cup victory over Liverpool.

The Brazilian, 24, came off the bench as the Red Devils defeated Jurgen Klopp’s side 4-3 in extra time at Old Trafford.

Antony was seen out with girlfriend Rosilene Silva.


The two went out for a stroll in Cheshire.


Antony donned a Louis Vuitton T-shirt.


Rosilene is quite pregnant with their second kid.

Antony equalized in the 87th minute with only his second goal of the season.


The former Ajax player now has some free time after being left out of Brazil’s squad to face England at Wembley Stadium on Saturday.


And the £85.5million man spent Tuesday afternoon in Cheshire with his expectant partner Rosilene.


Antony went out with a black Louis Vuitton T-shirt, pants, and brilliant white shoes, topped off with a beige backwards cap.


Rosilene, meanwhile, was dressed in a casual beige attire.


The two have known one other since they were teenagers.


They are thought to have met while attending school in Sao Paulo.


Rosilene can frequently be seen with Antony in Cheshire.


In 2019, Rosilene gave birth to their son Lorenzo.


It was recently reported that Manchester United are open to selling Antony this summer.


However, ongoing police investigations could jeopardize a prospective Old Trafford exit.


Antony is currently under investigation by Greater Manchester Police and the Sao Paulo Civil Police after being accused of violence by ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin.


Gabriela says that the footballer abused her between June 2022 and May 2023, in both Brazil and the United Kingdom.


Ingrid Lana, 33, has made similar accusations against Antony, but Rayssa de Freitas, the third complainant, has dropped her case.


Antony denies all claims against him.


Last September, he was offered time off by Manchester United after vowing to clear his name.



The Brazilian previously dated Gabriela Cavallin, who accused him of violence.


Antony played against Liverpool on Sunday.

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