Lamz.Marcus Rashford Zooms to His Favorite Jewelry Store in a £280k McLaren

Lamz.Marcus Rashford Zooms to His Favorite Jewelry Store in a £280k McLaren

As Manchester United played Galatasaray in the Champions League, Marcus Rashford was seen getting out of his McLaren and going to his favorite jewelry store.

Marcus Rashford is pictured getting into his £280K McLaren after indulging in some retail therapy at his 'favourite jewellers'... as he misses Manchester United's Champions League game due to one-match ban |


Rashford wasn’t on the 22-person team that flew to Istanbul for the crucial Group A match at Rams Park because he was banned from European play for one match.


United lost Rashford, and after going up 3-1, they tied the game 3-3 in front of an angry crowd in Turkey. Bruno Fernandes scored a stunning goal to put the team ahead by two goals. Alejandro Garnacho put the team ahead. Muhammed Kerem Akturkoglu scored a late equalizer after Hakim Ziyech had pulled one back before Scott McTominay’s goal.

Rashford was spotted leaving his 'favourite' jewellers at 3.15pm on Wednesday and getting into his £280,000 McLaren 765 Long Tail sports car while United drew with Galatasaray


Rashford, an England player, wasn’t there because he got a straight red card in Manchester United’s last Champions League game against Copenhagen, a Danish Superliga team, which they lost 4–3.


Rashford was told to leave the field after he tackled Elias Jelert in the 42nd minute. At that moment, the Red Devils were ahead 2-0, but that mistake cost them the game.

Marcus Rashford spotted in £280k McLaren 765LT days after Man Utd's 7-0 defeat to Liverpool | Daily Mail Online


He had to stay home while Manchester United went to Turkey. But the 26-year-old forward looks like he’s having a good time during his break.


Rashford was seen leaving his “favorite” jeweler at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday and getting into his £280,000 McLaren 765 Long Tail sports car. He was likely going home to watch Manchester United play.

Rashford spotted out in £280k McLaren 765LT days after 7-0 defeat to Liverpool — All Football App


Rashford couldn’t play in United’s Champions League group game against Galatasaray because he got a red card earlier this month for accidentally stamping on Jelert in the loss to FC Copenhagen.


Many people were upset about the red card at the time of the incident. They said the forward couldn’t have known where his opponent was while he was trying to protect the ball.

Sportske novosti - #Marcus Rashford

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