Lamz.Man Utd Star Mason Greenwood Turns Heads Training with 7-Year-Old Shoes at Getafe, Defying Nike's Abandonment

Lamz.Man Utd Star Mason Greenwood Turns Heads Training with 7-Year-Old Shoes at Getafe, Defying Nike’s Abandonment

Greenwood trained with his new team, Getafe, in boots that are seven years old because Nike dropped him.


It was seen that the striker was training with his Getafe teammates as he gets ready for his La Liga start later this month.


Greenwood kicked his first ball for Getafe.


He wore Nike boots that were seven years old.


Last year, Greenwood’s deal with Nike was canceled.


Even though Nike ended his deal in 2022, he still wore Nike Mercurial Superfly 4 boots.


A few days ago, Greenwood was seen training alone with his dad in a park. This is the first time in more than a year that he has trained with the whole team.


Greenwood wore black Nike Phantom GX boots to the June jam in the park.

Mason Greenwood pictured at training in his seven-year-old boots days before he's set to make debut for new club Getafe | The US Sun

He hasn’t signed a new deal with any boot company since Nike fired him.


We don’t think Greenwood is match fit, and pictures of him in the gym make it look like he cares more about power and conditioning.


Getafe also shared a film of fans encouraging Greenwood to train on a field outside of Madrid.


“We love you Mason Greenwood” was written on it.


The 21-year-old goalscorer has been given a way to get back into football by the La Liga team.


“Hi Getafe fans, it’s Mason here,” he wrote in a message to them.


“I’m so glad to be here, and I can’t wait to begin.”


MASON GREENWOOD (PARODY) (@for_greenwood) / X

Getafe also put a picture of Greenwood holding up the blue home strip of the club on Twitter.


“Mason Greenwood ya esta aqui” (that’s English for “Mason Greenwood is here”) was underneath it.


The deal was revealed by the Spanish club just minutes before the end of the summer transfer window on Friday.


If he stays in Spain for a while, United will pay most of his £75,000-a-week salary. They will not charge a loan fee.


A club release also said, “The move gives Greenwood a chance to start over with his career away from Manchester United.”


“During this time of change, the club will continue to help Mason and his family.”

After looking into why Greenwood was being held, United had already said that he and the club had “mutually agreed” to part ways.


He was jailed in October of last year, but in February, the Crown Prosecution Service dropped all charges against him.


The club can add another year to Greenwood’s contract if they want to. He has two more years to go.


The club would have had to pay more than £8 million if they couldn’t get rid of him.


This comes after new information about Greenwood’s move to Getafe came out, such as the striker’s uniform number and his £75,000-a-week salary.

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