Lamz.Family Time on the Field: Antony Returns to Training at Carrington, Spotted Supporting Manchester United at Match Against Crystal Palace

Lamz.Family Time on the Field: Antony Returns to Training at Carrington, Spotted Supporting Manchester United at Match Against Crystal Palace

Antony returned to Old Trafford for his club’s match against Crystal Palace on Saturday afternoon.

The Brazilian star sported a Louis Vuitton coat and carried son Lorenzo into the ground floor, with the couple joined by Antony’s girlfriend and the four-year-old’s mother, Rosilene Silva.

Tuyển thủ Brazil đưa cậu con trai bốn tuổi Lorenzo đến xem trận đấu trên sân nhà trong ngày

Earlier on Saturday, Antony was pictured arriving at the club’s Carrington training ground in a black Mercedes van.


He trained at Carrington before heading to Old Trafford to watch his team-mates lose 1-0 to Crystal Palace – United’s fourth defeat in seven Premier League games this season.


The 23-year-old returned from South America on Tuesday, where he was on fully paid leave.

The club cleared him to return to first-team duties with the squad also informed of his imminent return to the training facility.

Hình ảnh

United said in a statement that Antony’s situation ‘will continue to be reviewed pending further developments in the case’.

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