Lamz.British Zoo Celebrates Historic First: Elephant Conceives via Artificial Insemination in the UK

Lamz.British Zoo Celebrates Historic First: Elephant Conceives via Artificial Insemination in the UK

An Asian elephant has become the first of its species in the UK to become pregnant by artificial insemination, a zoo said today.

Keepers of Noorjahan at Twycross Zoo, in Leicestershire, said the procedure had been ‘incredibly successful’ and the baby is expected in August next year.

The zoo chose artificial insemination because it had no male elephants in its collection. The father is a bull elephant called Emmet, from Whipsnade Zoo.

Noorjahan the elephant celebrates motherhood with a playful shower in Twycross Zoo, Leicestershire

Zoo deputy director John Ray said: ‘Any artificial insemination can be a tricky procedure, but we were particularly happy when Noorjahan became pregnant after the first attempt.

‘We would always prefer natural breeding for our animals, but in this case our herd of elephants includes only females.’

Without the procedure, the zoo would have to have moved its entire herd to the other zoo because breaking it up can unsettle the creatures.

Artificial insemination has been used at Colchester Zoo in the past, where an African elephant was born as a result. Other attempts on elephants in different zoos in the UK have until now, proved unsuccessful, Twycross Zoo said.

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