Lamz.An Unforgettable Experience: Baby Elephant Delights in Cool Shower at Melbourne Zoo to Beat the Heat

Lamz.An Unforgettable Experience: Baby Elephant Delights in Cool Shower at Melbourne Zoo to Beat the Heat

Daddy cool: The calf was born less than two weeks ago, but has already become a favorite at the zoo
Daddy cool: The calf was born less than two weeks ago, but has already become a favorite at the zoo
Chilling out: The little elephant is getting some help to avoid heatstroke at Melbourne Zoo, Victoria, Australia
Chilling out: The little elephant is getting some help to avoid heatstroke at Melbourne Zoo, Victoria, Australia
Not my eye: The male calf pulls a face as she is showered by zookeepers to keep him cool in the Australian summer temperatures
Not my eye: The male calf pulls a face as she is showered by zookeepers to keep him cool in the Australian summer temperatures
Keep it coming: The baby elephant, who still has not been given a name, just cannot get enough
Keep it coming: The baby elephant, who still has not been given a name, just cannot get enough
Next in line: The male calf is the baby brother of Melbourne Zoo¿s first-ever elephant calf, Mali, born in 2010
Next in line: The male calf is the baby brother of Melbourne Zoo¿s first-ever elephant calf, Mali, born in 2010
Is he a Nelson? Both Nelson and Mandela have been suggested for the calf, but it is more likely that he will be given a traditional Thai name
Is he a Nelson? Both Nelson and Mandela have been suggested for the calf, but it is more likely that he will be given a traditional Thai name
Stop it now: When the little baby has had enough of the cold water, he runs for cover underneath his mother Dokkoon
Stop it now: When the little baby has had enough of the cold water, he runs for cover underneath his mother Dokkoon

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