Lamz.Adorable Tiger Cubs Receive First Vet Checkup at Oklahoma City Zoo (Video Inside)

Lamz.Adorable Tiger Cubs Receive First Vet Checkup at Oklahoma City Zoo (Video Inside)

The  Oklahoma City Zoo recently welcomed two critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs, a boy and a girl, who underwent their inaugural veterinary examination and were deemed healthy.

Zoo announces genders of critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs photo 1The zoo shared the news via a Facebook update, stating that the cubs, born earlier in the month, are progressing well and meeting all necessary milestones.

Zoo announces genders of critically endangered Sumatran tiger cubs photo 4

Watch the video at the end.

During the examination, conducted on Thursday, the veterinary care team visited the Cat Forest habitat for a “house call” to assess the overall health and vital signs of the cubs.

At 19 days old, the cubs had their eyes open and weighed nearly six pounds each, according to the update.

The tiger cubs, born on July 2, are currently bonding with their mother behind the scenes at the zoo and will remain out of public view until they receive their first vaccinations and can safely navigate the habitat. Once ready, visitors will have the opportunity to see them at the zoo’s Cat Forest.

These two new arrivals mark the second litter of cubs for Lola and her mate Kami, who previously welcomed male triplets in July 2017.

The breeding recommendation came from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan® (SSP) for Sumatran tigers, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts for this critically endangered species.

Sumatran tigers face numerous threats, with only around 500 individuals estimated to remain in the wild forests of Indonesia.

Habitat loss and illegal hunting pose significant risks to their survival, highlighting the crucial role of organizations like the  Oklahoma City Zoo in conservation initiatives.


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