Kylian Mbappe's ѕрeсtасᴜɩаг Collection of ᴜпіqᴜe Football Boots

Kylian Mbappe’s ѕрeсtасᴜɩаг Collection of ᴜпіqᴜe Football Boots

Mbappe Debuts Nike Mercurial PSG All-Time Top Scorer Boots

After sporting the standard Nike Mercurial Dream Speed against Bayern, Killian Mbappe debuted his modified Nike Air Zoom Mercurial Superfly 9 x Nike Mercurial Vapor 11 boots in Ligue 1 against Brest. He opened the scoring for PSG with his 202nd goal for the team.


Mbappé Debuts Nike Air Zoom Mercurial Superfly 9 x Nike Mercurial Vapor 11

Kylian Mbappé has been trained in his special signature Nike Mercurial Superfly PSG boots. With is, we also get a much better look at the “camouflaged” boots – he will debut them tonight against Bayern Munich in the Champions League.


Kylian Mbappé’s customized Nike Mercurial football boots are based on the current generation Nike Mercurial Superfly 9 – the previous boots’ appearance has been converted into the newest Mercurial.










Nike Mercurial Superfly 5 OG vs Mbappé 2023 Special

Only three days ago, Kylian Mbappé became the club’s new all-time leading scorer. Nike, his supplier, was ready to provide the 24-year-old football prodigy with a unique presence in the shape of a football boot.

Mbappé has established a plethora of records for precocity since his debut as a professional player in December 2015, establishing himself to be one of the world’s top athletes.

Mbappé’s current soccer cleats are the Nike Mercurial Superfly 9 Dream Speed 6. In 2017, he made his PSG debut with the Nike Mercurial Vapor 11 (current generation = Vapor 15).


Nike sent Mbappé a unique set of football boots to commemorate his milestone of becoming PSG’s top scorer, a reprint of the ones he wore when he scored his first goal for PSG against FC Metz in September 2017.

This one-of-a-kind Nike gift features a personalized version of the Nike Mercurial Vapor 11 “Lock in Let Loose” 2017 soccer cleats in the same style and colors as the original. The pair has been slightly changed to include the number “201” on the sides to commemorate Mbappé’s goal total with PSG, as well as the Hechter Band on the heel, which is stamped with the dates of his two most important games.

It is not known if Mbappé will wear his special-edition Nike Mercurial Vapor 11 football boots. He might already debut them in the crucial Champions League match against FC Bayern Munich. We have to wait for images of the final training session today for confirmation.

The new bespoke Mbappé Mercurial Vapor 11 2023 soccer cleats delivered by his equipment provider Nike have the Dynamic Fit sock to adjust to his current demands, making an on-field debut more possible.

The probability of the cleats being commercialized is low. They are certainly not available to buy ever.

Mbappé received the boots in customized packaging.

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