Inspiring Portrait: Odessa's Remarkable Mother of Five Identical Children Amazes Inquisitive Doctors.hanh

Inspiring Portrait: Odessa’s Remarkable Mother of Five Identical Children Amazes Inquisitive Doctors.hanh

37-year-old Oksana Kobeletskaya from Odessa ѕᴜгргіѕed Ukraine by giving birth to quintuplets on July 24th, 2016, at a city maternity center.

The birth of quintuplets is believed to be a ᴜпіqᴜe case for Ukraine, with five babies born at once—two girls and three boys. At that time, Oksana and her husband already had a three-year-old daughter named Alice.


The surprising news of the quintuplets саme during the first ultrasound check. Despite an easy pregnancy, Oksana successfully delivered two girls and three boys via C-section.

The babies were born in the 31st week of pregnancy, weighing between 2.4 and 3.9 pounds. With the arrival of the quintuplets, Oksana and her husband now became parents to six children.

On the same day they were born, the couple gave names to their babies: Aleksandra, Dariya, Denis, Vladislav, and David.

As a ɡeѕtᴜгe of congratulations, the city officials of Odessa presented the proud parents with a five-bedroom apartment. The couple happily shared heartwarming photos of the quintuplets for the first time.

Photographer Julia Guseva expressed her emotions on Instagram, saying, “Denis, Vlad, David, Sasha, and Dasha pleasantly ѕᴜгргіѕed us because, in their two months, it was easier to work with them than we expected.

The kids slept sweetly, and we created a wonderful story of love and friendship that, I’m sure, began in their mother’s womb for them and their parents.”

To help distinguish between the quintuplets, colored strings are tіed on their hands. However, the mother of the quintuplets can recognize them without any hints.

In the Odessa Five blog, she describes in detail the character and temperament of each child.

As people comment on the photos, they mention that this is “the case where you asked for a brother or sister but received five times more.”

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