Inspirational journey: Strong fighting dog refuses wheelchair, chooses adventure with his legs first.hanh

Inspirational journey: Strong fighting dog refuses wheelchair, chooses adventure with his legs first.hanh

It was uncertain if Tay-Tay the dog would ever be able to walk again after he ɩost both of his rear legs in a car accident.Nevertheless, the…

It was uncertain if Tay-Tay the dog would ever be able to walk again after he ɩost both of his rear legs in a car accident.

Nevertheless, the courageous dog overcame all hurdles and is now so powerful that the King of Thailand offered him a wheelchair, which he recently refused.Rather, Tay-Tay enjoys using his two front legs to stroll around his home, an animal refuge in Chonburi, Thailand.

tragic video of a courageous two-legged dog in a Thai shelter

survivor: Four years ago, in a traffic accident, Tay-Tay the dog ɩost part of his lower torso as well as his rear legs.

The dog is seen in the video navigating the shelter on his two surviving legs.

Tay-Tay has spent the previous four years in the shelter, and according to the owner, she hasn’t placed him up for adoption since he “seems happy” there.

Recently, Tay-Tay gained the favor of the royal family when a picture of him was shared on sociaɩ media by Watchdog Thailand, an animal organization.

After seeing the picture, King Maha Vajiralongkorn—also known as Rama X of Thailand—became Tay-Tay’s sponsor.

Happy life: The owner of the shelter in Chonburi has never put Tay-Tay up for adoption as he ‘seems happy there’

Maha-n’s best friend: After an animal charity posted his photo on sociaɩ media, King Maha Vajiralongkorn, also styled Rama X of Thailand, became Tay-Tay’s patron

The King donated dog food to the shelter and even sent Tay-Tay a special canine wheelchair in the name of his royal pet dog Khun Fu.

He also sent a veterinary ‘wheelchair expert’ to the shelter to examine the dog’s need for a walking aid.

However, with Tay-Tay’s reluctance to use the royal gift, the expert ruɩed that his legs are strong enough to support him.

Animal lover: Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn has donated dog food and even sent Tay-Tay a ‘wheelchair-expert’

‘It’s amazing to see that the dog is still capable of eating, walking and even running when he wants to,’ said Julian Küng, 32, from Zurich, Switzerland, who shot the video of Tay-Tay walking.

‘He didn’t ɩose his curious nature neither. Every now and then he tries to run out of the shelter.

‘Since he’s not able to turn quickly and escape the busy Chonburi traffic the owner Peerapha has to catch Tay-Tay and return him to the shelter.’

Tay-Tay remains in the care of dog shelter owner Peerapha Suwanich who also has around 40 dogs and 200 stray cats in her care.

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