Inside Kevin Costner's Family Life with His 7 Kids: Yellowstone Star Embraces His Role as 'Uber Guy'.hanh

Inside Kevin Costner’s Family Life with His 7 Kids: Yellowstone Star Embraces His Role as ‘Uber Guy’.hanh

Kevin Costner shared that the family usually surf, dive, and spear fish, explaining that they explore every inch of the ocean and the property which is the “perfect place for us.”

Yellowstone’s star Kevin Costner might be a Hollywood heartthrob but he’s an ordinary dad like any other. Recently, the legend gave an insight into his life as a dad to his seven kids Cayden, Hayes, Grace, Annie, Lily, Joe, and Liam.

In July week’s PEOPLE cover story, Costner admitted he’s an “Uber guy.” He admitted that he’s a normal guy like everyone else. The 69-year-old actor indeed topped the list of People’s 100 Reasons to Love America in this week’s celebratory issue. He revealed how he often finds himself driving his three younger kids, Cayden, Hayes, and Grace, whom he shares with his ex-wife Christine Baumgartner, to a friend’s house, school, and volleyball practices.

Inside Kevin Costner's Life with 7 Kids and Being an 'Uber Guy' (Exclusive)

The Yellowstone star explained, “They’re like shooting stars. My life is driving up and down the freeway just trying to get the children where they think they need to be… but that’s part of the job.” He further shared that the Costner family spent their years surfing, spearfishing, lobster-diving, and naming “every critter in the tide pool,” says Costner, who treasures the time spent with his family at their Santa Barbara home with stunning views of the Pacific.

He shared that the family usually surf, dive, and spear fish, explaining that they explore every inch of the ocean and the property which is the “perfect place for us.” The star admitted that he found unconditional support from his family and his kids remain the “anchor” of his life. Costner expressed, “They know that I have this chosen work, but honestly, I’m really clear about where my responsibility absolutely lies at the end of the day.”

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Kevin Costner keeps his kids engaged in one way or the other. When he’s not playing driver for Grace and Hayes, he ends up casting them in the films. His three older kids were part of Dance with Wolves as youngsters. He said, “I’m locked in a 70-millimeter film with my children. Those were my home movies,” referring to his Oscar-winning 1990 western epic.

The actor’s youngest son, Hayes has made his acting debut in dad’s new western, Horizon: An American Saga, while Joe is playing a role in the upcoming third chapter of the planned four-part series.

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