"IпсгedіЬɩe Discovery: Massive 18-Foot Snake Found Wrapped Around Excavator in Ocala, Florida by Chance (VIDEO)"

“IпсгedіЬɩe Discovery: Massive 18-Foot Snake Found Wrapped Around Excavator in Ocala, Florida by Chance (VIDEO)”

The sudden appearance of a giant anaconda surprised construction workers.The 10 meter long snake weighing 4 quintals appeared when construction workers were blowing up the Altamira Cave in Para, the northern state of Brazil.

As seen in the video uploaded by the Reporterbox Youtube account, the anaconda that appears at the project site is very large.

The 16-foot Pythoп sυddeпly appeared, scariпg workers at a coпstrυctioп site. – thepressagge.com

Its body diameter even reaches 10 meter.

The 16-foot Pythoп sυddeпly appeared, scariпg workers at a coпstrυctioп site. – thepressagge.com

However, after the video was uploaded, animal lovers criticized construction workers for keeping the anaconda in chains.

They assume that the snake was killed and not returned to its natural habitat.


Even so, there are also those who believe that the anaconda, whose head looks flat, could have indeed been crushed to death by the debris that collapsed as a result of the explosion.

The 16-foot Pythoп sυddeпly appeared, scariпg workers at a coпstrυctioп site. – thepressagge.com


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