Heartbreaking Discovery: Finding a concealed box filled with puppies left in unsanitary conditions.CATS

Heartbreaking Discovery: Finding a concealed box filled with puppies left in unsanitary conditions.CATS

The immense size of the human capacity for cruelty is something that will never cease to negatively amaze me. How is it possible that the same species that builds works of art, beautiful symphonies, multicultural encounters, vaccines that save thousands of lives can in turn be capable of so much evil and destruction? It’s something we will never understand.

Just as we will never be able to understand what the heart of a person can be like, capable of leaving a group of defenseless, hungry and sick puppies abandoned to their fate.

Especially when it was surely due to the negligence of that same person that the poor creatures ended up in that deplorable state.

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The RescueDogsRockNyc team has gone out of its way to save a group of puppies abandoned in a box in front of an abandoned house in Atlanta, USA.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

A good Samaritan heard the pitiful cry of the poor abandoned puppies fighting for their lives crying out for a thoughtful gesture that would allow them to be saved.

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

Without hesitation this person brought the puppies to a local animal shelter, but the condition of the puppies was already beyond what this shelter could handle.

As they do in most critical cases, they alerted the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC team for emergency help.

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

The approximately 6-week-old puppies weighed just 2 kilos each and were in serious condition.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

The rescue team rushed them to a veterinary hospital specialized in these cases.

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

”Everyone has terrible scabies on every inch of their body, they have infections and they are anemic. One of the puppies had to be hooked up to oxygen, said Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of the organization. These puppies were fighting for their lives with all the strength they had left in their small, weak bodies.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

The situation was urgent, the rescue team could not turn its back on these adorable little ones.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

In their short lives they had known nothing but hunger, disease, pain and suffering.h-a-n-h

The puppies received intravenous medications, IVs, and pain relievers.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

The one in the most critical condition was a little boy who was too cold. His body temperature barely reached 34°C and it was feared that the little boy was septic.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

The veterinarians did everything they could to help the puppies, the prognosis was very guarded and the costs of the medical emergency were very high.h-a-n-h

rescued puppies mange rescue dogs rock ny extreme rescue veterinary activism mane puppy puppies

Unfortunately, the puppy that was in critical condition did not manage to survive. The others are still fighting for their lives, they still have a long way to go but with the team of volunteers who support them they will be able to move forward and find a loving home. This amazing rescue It shows us that there are many dogs that need your help, share, collaborate, donate your time and your support to change their lives.

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