He lay motionless in the rain next to the highway, desperately waiting for help.hanh

He lay motionless in the rain next to the highway, desperately waiting for help.hanh

A social media account by the name of Binh An recently posted a video about an abandoned dog who regularly greets customers at the supermarket gate. The heartwarming tale soon gained popularity thanks to the fantastic everyday photos that accompanied it. The dog greets each visitor with a welcoming wag of the tail, making the internet community cry with his affection and love.

In the clip circulating on social networks is a cute short-haired, brown-and-white poodle. The dog, who unwittingly took on the role of “employee” to welcome customers each day outside the supermarket door, was tied up for some reason I’m not sure of.

When he sees visitors entering or leaving, he instantly waves his tail in greeting, which is met with the love of the visitors. His expression is really cute and kind, albeit a little sad. Guests may linger for food and beverages, or curious onlookers may down them as a gesture of gratitude.

He passed everyone passing by a sad, regretful face as he shook their hands, forcing them to stop, express their gratitude, and linger to play with the couple.

The dog was immobile and wagged his tail in the direction of the customer.

Because he is so lovely, people entering and leaving the gate pause to pet him.

For some reason, no one was aware of the unfortunate dog’s situation, but the owner still left it and tied the dog to a corner, making sympathy in onlookers as they waited for the owner to come back to work. The online community seems to want to “melt” due to the dog’s comfort and affection.

Dogs are among the world’s most devoted creatures, and they teach us responsibility, care, and worry. Being a foster pet is just one aspect of it.

Those who love cats and dogs know that they make the best comforters during sad times. It’s commendable that customers at the supermarket stopped to talk to the dog and express their emotions.

Even if it is only a brief period, the dog will undoubtedly perceive people’s complex emotions. For us, the world is out there, but for dogs, we are it. Pets communicate with us through touch, making us feel active love and affection.


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