George Barbier: The Essence of Art Deco with Roots in Shunga

George Barbier: The Essence of Art Deco with Roots in Shunga

Googling art of the 1920s, you’ll most likely learn about this French illustrator with an English name. Within his relatively short lifeᴛι̇ɱe (1882-1932), George Barbier defined the look of his ᴛι̇ɱe, working as a stage and costume designer and book illustrator. It was he who invented for the house of Cartier its’ famous black panther design, which remains iconic today (fig. 4). He created visual designs for exclusive art books of prominent Parisian couturiers and illustrated risky magazines like La Vie Parisienne. His creative output combining orientalism and neo-classicism became the most vivid and elegant ɱaпifestation of Art Deco.

George Barbier art deco

Fig. 19. George Barbier (

George Barbier Le feu

Fig. 20. Le feu (

Chansons de Bilitis art deco Barbier

Fig. 21. Chansons de Bilitis, 1910/1922 (

George Barbier sensual art

Fig. 22. Chansons de Bilitis, 1910/1922 (

Appreciation of Shunga

As we mentioned above, Barbier was a devotee of Japanese and Chinese

The whirlpool of activity in Shanghai during the 1920s and 1930s was unmatched in the Far East. In the booɱing port city, there was a mixture of the decadence of old China and the crudeness of the new culture. The..

prints since his study in Nantes. Love for Beardsley’s works, which were influenced by shunga as well, indirectly strengthened Barbier’s appreciation of this art. Origin and income allowed him to become a collector of antiques. He gave his immense collection of five hundred shunga

What is Shunga? Uncover the captivating world of this ancient Japanese erotic art form at Explore the history, allure, and secrets of Shunga in its most intriguing form.

prints, including oeuvres by Utamaro and Hokusai, to the Bibliothèque Nationale de France shortly before his death by an unknown illness. Barbier was a printmaker himself, working with woodblock and stencil printing. His prints resembled shunga by richly decorated visual elements and elegant eroticism catching the eye of a viewer. Barbier carefully transported and adopted some features of shunga tradition in Art Deco. As writer Albert Flament once said, “When our ᴛι̇ɱes are lost … some of his watercolors and drawings will be all that is necessary to resurrect the taste and the spirit of the years in which we lived.”

George Barbier erotic art deco

Fig. 23.

George Barbier greek mythology

Fig. 24.

George Barbier Fêtes galantes

Fig. 25. Fêtes galantes, 1928 (

George Barbier Fêtes galantes

Fig. 26. Fêtes galantes, 1928 (

george barbier Les liaisons dangereuses

Fig. 27. Les liaisons dangereuses, published posthumously, 1934 (

Les liaisons dangereuses Barbier

Fig. 28. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

george barbier erotica

Fig. 29. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

george barbier lesbian

Fig. 30. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

Fêtes galantes george Barbier

Fig. 31. Fêtes galantes, 1928 (

Les liaisons dangereuses art deco

Fig. 32. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

Les liaisons dangereuses george barbier

Fig. 33. Fêtes galantes, 1928 (

Art deco George Barbier erotic

Fig. 34. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

erotic art deco

Fig. 35. Les liaisons dangereuses, 1934 (

George Barbier orientalism

Fig. 36. Look at the image of a dragon and a robe decorated with bats.

Ode to Love george Barbier

Fig. 37. Ode to Love (

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