Following Manchester United’s victory, Christian Eriksen predicts the top four teams in the Premier League.

Man United secured an important win against Nottingham Forest on Sunday, which moved them up to third in the table.


Although Manchester United could easily qualify for the сomрetіtіoп if they keep up their progress, Christian Eriksen acknowledges that there may still be some twists and turns in the quest for Champions League football.

Although a top four finish in the Premier League was almost guaranteed, a string of underwhelming, tired performances recently brought United closer to Newcastle and Tottenham than pace-setters Arsenal and Manchester City.

Nottingham Forest vs Man United LIVE: Premier League result, final score  and reaction | The Independent

However, the Reds have now returned to third position in the table after defeating Nottingham Forest 2-0 on Sunday.

Eriksen, speaking to MUTV after that dominant win at the City Ground, discussed the current race for top four in the top flight and he backed his teammates to secure Champions League football before the last day of the campaign.

The midfielder said that providing United stay on the front foot, they should wrap up qualification sooner rather than later.

Maguire 8, Antony 9: player ratings from Nottingham Forest 0-2 Manchester  United

“It’s a very important win. I think every game from now until the end of the season is going to be very important, someone is going to drop down, someone is going to get in front, so if stay on the front foot, we’ll be in a very good position,” he said.

“We’ll be safe for the Champions League before the season is done [if staying on front foot]. I’m sure we’ll be full of energy for both games [Brighton and Sevilla] and we’ll be full of confidence, to win the games and go through in both tournaments.”


Also, when asked if the Sevilla game was in the back of the players’ minds against Forest, Eriksen said: “No, I think it was just the frustration of having so many chances, so many big chances to finish it off and I suppose it does bring back memories of Sevilla.

“But it was a completely different game and the feeling wasn’t at all the same as it was against Sevilla.”

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