fn."10-month-old Linda went to the beach for the first time, chubby and adorable like a little angel, exploring the waves and white sand with sparkling eyes full of surprise. ??❤️". ‎

fn.”10-month-old Linda went to the beach for the first time, chubby and adorable like a little angel, exploring the waves and white sand with sparkling eyes full of surprise. ??❤️”. ‎

The chubby 10-month-old baby went to the beach for the first time. Her round face and sparkling eyes exuded surprise and excitement. The waves gently lap against the white sand, creating a pleasant sound that makes your baby giggle. Her tiny feet touched the cool sea water, she slightly pulled back and then curiously continued walking, leaving tiny footprints in the sand. The baby reached out to touch the sparkling seashells, his other hand held tightly to his mother’s hand, his pouty lips moved as if he wanted to say something. Your baby’s first time going to the beach is a lovely memory, full of color and laughter, leaving an unforgettable mark in the hearts of the whole family.

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