Fast and Fᴜгіoᴜѕ! Jason Statham Grabs the Malibu Mansion at Price That Not Everyone Can Afford. nobita

Fast and Fᴜгіoᴜѕ! Jason Statham Grabs the Malibu Mansion at Price That Not Everyone Can Afford. nobita

Jason Statham, a Hollywood action hero, has recently offered his charming Malibu, California beach house for approximately $20 mιllιon. He is undoubtedly seeking a “fast and furious” sale.

The 52-year-old actor, best known for his role as the nasty man Deckard Shaw in the Fast and Furious movies, purchased the rustic four-bedroom property on the Pacific Ocean ten years ago.

Given that he reportedly spent $10.6 mιllιon on the beach mansion back in 2009, the big-biceped British man stands to make a large profit if he sells for even a fraction of the $19.95 mιllιon asking price. That represents an increase in value of almost $1 mιllιon annually on average.

The house’s stunning location plays a big part in its attraction. “The Blacƙ House,” as it is affectionately referred as, is located directly on the private beach towards the end of a peninsula, hidden from prying eyes behind the guarded gates of Malibu’s prized Colony neighborhood.

The house is notable for its sinister-appearing, blacƙ-painted, cedar-shingle facade. The main house is 3,900 square feet in size and has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. A detached guest cottage with a self-contained one-bedroom apartment over a two-car garage is located at the back of the property.

The newly refurbished home makes the most of its most impressive feature: the breathtaking views of the crashing Pacific from virtually every window. The spacious decks are ideal for taking in another California sunset or watching the surfers at the nearby Surfrider beach ride the rollers.

With its floor to ceiling windows and access to the beachside deck covered in Burmese teak, the main living area is a peaceful refuge. The big, overstuffed sofas by the windows are ideal for relaxing.

A pleasant lounge with a sizable stone fireplace and floor to ceiling storage full of firewood is located just off the main living area. The TV room is next to it and has blacƙ-painted shelves that complements the design of the house.

Once more, all tones of gray and blacƙ are used in the spacious, minimalist kitchen. It has high-end Gaggenau equipment, stylish stainless steel counters, and German Bulthaup cabinets in a dark gray color.

The master bedroom spans the entire width of the house when you reach the second floor via the stairs. It makes the most of the cooling coastal breezes with floor to ceiling windows and four white-wood framed doors that open out to a private balcony.

The master bedroom spans the entire width of the house when you reach the second floor via the stairs. It makes the most of the cooling coastal breezes with floor to ceiling windows and four white-wood framed doors that open out to a private balcony.

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