Eternal Bonds: A Transgender Father’s Deeр Love and Unbreakable Connection with His Children. nobita

Eternal Bonds: A Transgender Father’s Deeр Love and Unbreakable Connection with His Children. nobita

Evan Hempel was born a woman but began using hormones to change gender in 2003. After 16 years, although he had transformed as desired, Evan still cherished the desire to get pregnant, give birth and Raise your baby with your own milk.

“My brother – Evan – was born as a woman and even though he transitioned, he has always wanted to become a parent for many years. He likes children and especially likes to play with dolls. ”, younger sister Jessi Hempel revealed about her brother’s hobby.

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Even though he transformed into a man, Evan Hempel still wanted to get pregnant, give birth and breastfeed.

Jessi added that even if he decides to transition, Evan still doesn’t want to completely transition, especially breast surgery, because he wants to breastfeed in the future. Despite the inconvenience, Jessi’s brother only refused to take hormones and use a chest compression bra every day.

Because of her desire to get pregnant and give birth, 5 years ago, Evan and her lover planned to have a baby. The transgender man stopped taking testosterone injections and began artificial insemination with donated sperm. After many attempts to get pregnant, they succeeded and in April 2016 Evan gave birth to their first son.

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Currently, he is raising his child with his own milk.

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He is very skillful in taking care of his son.

“It’s really a gamble. Even I don’t know how to describe this feeling. Although I encountered many difficulties in conceiving and keeping the pregnancy, I finally succeeded.” , Evan shared after giving birth.

Even though he successfully gave birth, Evan Hempel’s pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding encountered many mixed opinions. However, he said he ignored everything and just lived according to his wishes. Currently, his son is 5 months old and is being nourished by his own sweet milk.

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Even though he successfully gave birth, Evan Hempel’s pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding encountered many mixed opinions.

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