Don't Miss the Spectacle of a 'River of Fish' in the Desert, Pakistan (Video)

Don’t Miss the Spectacle of a ‘River of Fish’ in the Desert, Pakistan (Video)

In general, the aquatic life that lives in rivers is carried by the water flow. This video demonstrates, however, that the school of fish has charmed the river they are following.

Since time unknown, several incidents have come to the fore that are jaw-dropping leaving everyone astonished. Anomalies can be fun and at the same time disturbing. Nature has a bucket of surprises that will leave anyone amazed. Despite being natural phenomena, several events are mind-boggling and will take a few minutes to be understood.

How about surprising events in a desert? Of course, rain is the prime source of water in a desert, which is quite rare. The desert dwellers are dependent on groundwater. Spring-fed lakes and oases are the other sources of fresh water. However, it is rare to find a river in a desert. Finding a river in a desert can also be considered normal.

What if you find a ‘river of fish’ in such a case?

Here we bring such a video that will leave you surprised and will force you to scratch your head twice to understand whether the event is natural or man-made.

As seen in the video, a shoal of fish is seen making its way on the desert sand. While the shoal of fish is leaping ahead, the water is following its path.

In general, the water flow of the river carries the aquatic beings dwelling in it. However, this video shows the shoal of fish has enchanted the river for which it is following them. Though mistakenly, naturally or due to human intervention the river water made its way to the desert sand, it is certainly surprising and exciting at the same time to see the shoal of fish leading the river.

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