Dive into Fun: Baby Elephant’s Adorable Bath Time Antics Captivate Tourists.hanh

Dive into Fun: Baby Elephant’s Adorable Bath Time Antics Captivate Tourists.hanh

Bathing large animals can often seem daunting, but a baby elephant in Thailand is turning this notion on its head.

Captured in a delightful video, the young elephant’s playful antics during bath time at the Royal Elephant Kraal and Village have charmed viewers worldwide.

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Affectionately named “Double Trouble” by Danish tourist Claus Jorgensen, who recorded the footage, the elephant is seen eagerly diving towards a bath. In a comical sequence, it stumbles over the edge and plunges headfirst into the water, legs flailing.

Despite its awkward entry, the little elephant quickly rights itself, splashing around joyfully.

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The hilarity continues as Double Trouble, brimming with excitement, scrambles out of the bath and attempts to snatch the hose from the man bathing it.

The surrounding tourists laugh as the playful calf charges back towards the bath, slips in once more, and resumes its water-filled frolics.

The video shows the elephant’s sheer delight as it leaps out of the water again, this time managing to grab the hose from a woman and a little girl spraying it.

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Triumphantly, the elephant runs off with the hose wrapped in its trunk, much to the amusement of onlookers.

The Royal Elephant Kraal & Village in Ayutthaya, where this charming scene took place, is a non-profit organization dedicated to breeding, caring for retired elephants, and supporting all elephants.

Their popular Elephantstay program offers visitors a hands-on experience, allowing them to feed, wash, and interact with the elephants under expert guidance.

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Since the program’s inception in 2000, over 60 elephant calves have been born, with the latest recorded birth in December 2014.

This video of Double Trouble’s bath showcases the playful nature of young elephants and highlights the importance of the Royal Elephant Kraal’s efforts in elephant conservation and care.

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