CNBC Misses Remarkable UFO Sighting During Falcon 9 fɩіɡһt

CNBC Misses Remarkable UFO Sighting During Falcon 9 fɩіɡһt

SpaceX recently launched a rocket with a payload of 21 Starlink satellites and it was put into orbit and a UFO flies past.

The UFO was spotted by THX1138bro who messaged me on Gab (a social media platform) so thank you for that. The SpaceX rocket which was stuffed with a new updated batch of 21 WiFi satellites had an uninvited visitor from somewhere but it didn’t hitch a ride on the Space rocket.

CNBC used the same screenshot showing the UFO but didn’t even notice that a UFO was there.

It’s so strange because right as the UFO flies past, this is the screenshot that CNBC has used to share the story of the satellites being released but nobody has noticed the blatant UFO in the image! The link is below to see the CNBC post and the image they’ve used.

A Falcon 9 rocket carried 21 on 27th February 2023 of the newly updated satellites, known as the “V2 Mini satellites.”

The company said the V2 Mini satellites add about four times as much network capacity per satellite compared with prior iterations.


In the past, a UFO turned up at Elon Musks’ rocket and blew up the Falcon 9 rocket as it was on the launchpad. Elon Tweeted about this UFO and wondered about the UFO.

Video of Falcon 9 rocket exploding and UFO flying past in slow motion:

First Starlink v2 satellites reach orbit.

I know that you’ve come here to see the awesome new UFO sighting from just about a week ago that shows us a new UFO next to the Falcon 9 rocket while deploying the newly updated batch of WiFi satellites, so here’s that video too:

SpaceX UFO video.

Elon Musk’s tweet, which I was going to include, seems meaningless because it provides no new information. This is only an announcement for the 21 WiFi satellites. With 4X more capabilities from the 2016 batch to the present—I was just mentioning this to a buddy today—law Moore’s is starting to take effect.

Every 2 years capability doubles this keeps in with Moore’s law. The UFO that we see in this new video could be debris from an earlier mission but because it’s SpaceX and Elon tweeted about UFOs blowing up his rocket with a 200 million dollar Facebook satellite it’s best to air on the side of caution and probably add a UFO net, just a butterfly net on a robotic arm, lol.  It’d be on the side of the Falcon 9 rocket, lol.

That would be funny. Anyway here’s the link to the Elon Musk video that he posted to his Twitter page that show’s us the UFO.

You know the drill, if you have any questions or thoughts on this post please share them with us in the comments section below, cheers. And don’t forget to share this post, thanks.

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