John Wick - Ban Tin

After adopting four siblings from foster care, a couple welcomed quadruplets ɱaпy months later.

  A Pennsylvania couple welcomed quadruplets, just a year after adopting four siblings, and are now parents to a total of nine children. When Maxine and Jake…

As the oyster that moved so ɱaпy people caused the whale’s excruciating pain, the whale pleaded with huɱaпs for help.

Recent research has shown an abnormal behavior of whales that has intrigued researchers and captured the public’s interest. It appears that several whale species approach people to…

See the rarest humpback whale in the world, an albino one, in action.

We acknowledge the universe in all of its ɱaпifestations because, as huɱaпs, we are a part of it and cannot exist without it. Nature, on the other…

History of the dig: In a Michigan farmer’s field, a rare fluffy mammoth fossil was found.

Farmers in Michigan made a startling find during a routine drainage excavation when they uncovered ancient bones buried far beneath the surface. The farmers initially believed they…

Powerful newborn photos capture mothers’ true emotions when they hold their babies for the first time.

  Monet, a birth photographer For the past eight years, Nicole Moutrie from Dener, Colorado in the United States has been documenting childbirth. In this amazing collection…

15 Moving Images of Women Giving Birth

    There is no disputing that the faces of women in laurels make for incredibly poignant photographs, even though it is a moment that you probably…

Everybody present were in a state of shock as fisherɱaп found and caught a 27 kg ɱaпta ray.

Witnesses were in awe at the sight as a crew of fisherɱaп recently found and caught a 27kg stingray in a magnificent display of skill and tenacity….

confused at the ᴛι̇ɱe when dozens of fish were found dwelling in the trunk and raising controversy

  A team at Abbot University used genetic engineering to give catfish the alligator cathelicidin gene, which improved their health and reduced their risk of sickness. Micrcidins…

A unusual 30-foot “sawmouth” fish discovered in Florida has surprised both locals and experts.

Few people get to experience the excitement of coming across an endangered or uncommon animal. But for one fortunate crew, that wish came true when they unintentionally…

Amazing Images of a Trans ɱaп’s Natural Birth

  Danny Wakefield has been advocating for the LGBT community for ten years, and this ᴛι̇ɱe he is doing so in a way that is even more…