Bear Cubs Embark on a Tree-Scaling Adventure with Their Mother, Playing Peek-a-Boo Near Photographer’s Cabin. nobita

Bear Cubs Embark on a Tree-Scaling Adventure with Their Mother, Playing Peek-a-Boo Near Photographer’s Cabin. nobita

These three curious bear cubs proved overly eager to play up in front of the camera when they were photographed in a forest clearing in Suomussalmi, east-central Finland.

The bear cubs had gone on a tree-climbing mission with their mother when they spotted the nearby photographer’s hut, and began playing peek-a-boo.Eventually, the three young bears got a little too close for comfort for photographer and local school teacher  Valtteri Mulkahainen.

Mr Mulkahainen said: ‘I had to flick the cub’s nose with my fingers to frighten it away as it was poking his nose in the hole in the wall intended for the camera lens.

‘The bear mum was attentively watching everything that was happening around her cubs.  If she feels there is any type of danger, she commands her cubs to get up on the trees.’

Family photo: A mother bear and her three cubs were spotted on a tree-climbing mission in Finland

I see you! The adorable bear cubs were eager to play peek-a-boo with photographer and school teacher Valtteri Mulkahainen

No fear: The photographs were taken from a nearby hut, with Mr Mulkahainen revealing the bears eventually got so close he had to flick one of the bear cubs on the nose to get them to back off

Hide and seek: Two of the three cubs appear to be hiding behind a large tree trunk while looking for their mother

Mission: One of the baby bears is seen as it prepares to make its way out of the blueberry bushes and up the pine tree

Exploring nature: The bear family-of-four were photographed in Suomussalmi, located in east-central Finland

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