Baby Elephant Enjoys Cool Showers at Melbourne Zoo Amid Summer Heat.hanh

Baby Elephant Enjoys Cool Showers at Melbourne Zoo Amid Summer Heat.hanh

A baby elephant born two weeks ago quickly became a favorite at Melbourne Zoo. The adorable calf receives regular showers to help him stay cool in the sweltering Australian summer.

The young male elephant, yet to be named, is already charming visitors and staff alike. Zookeepers are diligently showering him with water to prevent heatstroke, which is crucial for his well-being in the hot climate.

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Captivating photos show the little calf grimacing and reveling in the refreshing water as he gets sprayed.

Despite his young age, he thoroughly enjoys the cooling showers and can’t get enough.

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The calf holds a special place at Melbourne Zoo as the younger brother of Mali, the zoo’s first elephant calf born in 2010.

While names like Nelson and Mandela have been suggested for the new arrival, he will likely be given a traditional Thai name.

When the baby elephant has had his fill of the cold water, he seeks refuge under the protective care of his mother, Dokkoon.

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This charming behavior adds to his growing popularity and endears him even more to those who visit the zoo.

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