After a 13-year wait, a Nigerian mom exclaimed, "I am the happiest," after receiving her twins.CATS

After a 13-year wait, a Nigerian mom exclaimed, “I am the happiest,” after receiving her twins.CATS

Recently, the new mother used her Facebook profile to inform her friends of the happy news.

After waiting 13 years, a woman known as Mrs. Rita Emuh Onyekachukwu and her husband are now celebrating the birth of a set of twins. Everyone present at the children’s naming ceremony was ecstatic when the new mother recently shared the good news with her followers on Facebook.


Taking photos of the event, Mɾs Onyekachukwu wrote:

“I’m as happy as a bee, you made it to my son’s special day. You know that our life is as sweet as honey.

“Even the thoughts of life can’t stop me from letting you know how grateful I am that you made the time come. Thank you for being the protagonist of this historic day in the life of our family. Thank you for the ρɾayeɾs, moпeу, gifts. Holy Lord, thank you for blessing me with twins after 13 years of waiting. I am grateful for Loɾd.”

See more photos below:




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