Unveiling Magnificence: wіtпeѕѕ the ѕtᴜппіпɡ Airborne Majesty of the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion at Okehampton саmр (Video).thorr

Unveiling Magnificence: wіtпeѕѕ the ѕtᴜппіпɡ Airborne Majesty of the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion at Okehampton саmр (Video).thorr

th? Sik??sk? CH-53E S???? St?lli?n h?lic??t?? ?t Ok?h?m?t?n C?m?. Th? Sik??sk? CH-53E S???? St?lli?n is ? h??v?-li?t c???? h?lic??t?? ?s?? ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s M??in? C???s. I? ???’?? ????nizin? ?n ?v?nt ?? ?x???i?nc? ??l?t?? t? this h?lic??t??, it c??l? inv?lv? sh?wc?sin? its im???ssiv? c????iliti?s, s?ch ?s its ??ilit? t? li?t h??v? l???s ?n? t??ns???t t????s ?v?? si?ni?ic?nt ?ist?nc?s.


Ok?h?m?t?n C?m? is ? t??inin? ??cilit? in th? Unit?? Kin???m, ?n? i? ?n ?v?nt is ??in? ????niz?? th???, it c??l? incl??? ??m?nst??ti?ns ?? th? CH-53E’s c????iliti?s, ???c?ti?n?l s?ssi?ns ????t th? h?lic??t??, ?n? ??ssi?l? ?????t?niti?s ??? ???tici??nts t? ?x???i?nc? its ???s?nc? ?? cl?s?.


060613-M-3968C-004A U.S. M??in? ?i??cts th? c??w ?? ? M??in? CH-53 S???? St?lli?n h?lic??t?? ?s it t?k?s ??? ???m ? ???w??? ???? ?????lin? ??int ?t L?n?in? Z?n? B?ll ?n M??in? C???s Ai? St?ti?n Y?m?, A?iz., ?n J?n? 15, 2006. Th? M??in?s ???m M??in? Avi?ti?n W????ns ?n? T?ctics S??????n 1 ??? ???tici??tin? in th? t??inin? ?x??cis? O????ti?n D?s??t T?l?n 2-06. D?D ?h?t? ?? L?nc? C?l. K?ll? R. Ch?s?, U.S. M??in? C???s. (R?l??s??)


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