A pregnant puppy's life changed dramatically when a compassionate soul took pity on her, discovering her motionless on the side of the road.CATS

A pregnant puppy’s life changed dramatically when a compassionate soul took pity on her, discovering her motionless on the side of the road.CATS

A pregnant puppy’s life was turned upside down when a kind soul took pity on her as she lay motionless on the side of the road, completely vulnerable and only days away from giving birth.

The man summoned an animal rescue organization to come and assist her.

Unfortunately, the reality for many stray animals is one of desolation, hunger, and misery. Something that appears to be a chain by not spaying or neutering the furry ones, resulting in more furry ones being born on the street because they do not have responsible owners who watch over their welfare.

The rescue organization Guardianes de todos los sin voz recently received a call from a man who reported the dog’s state of abandonment. Without hesitation, a group of rescuers gathered and proceeded to the location where she was.

When they arrived, they were met with a depressing scene: a little white dog on the verge of collapsing, her tongue hanging out, and her strength appeared to be evaporating.h-a-n-h

Her life and the lives of her pups were in risk, so they needed to act quickly to save them.

The rescuers rushed her to the clinic, worried about the fate of the dog and her unborn pups; the mother-to-be was breathing heavily and complaining constantly about the pain that was invading her.h-a-n-h

When the rescue team arrived, they gave her all the attention she needed, but they noticed that her temperature was extremely high, putting her and her babies at risk.h-a-n-h

She was frail, but she was surrounded by a wonderful team that cared for her at all times. She was given intravenous treatment with all of the necessary medication to help stabilize her.

Her rescuers were most concerned about her lack of mobility in her paws and the puppies’ condition.

The dog gave birth to seven puppies a few days after her rescue, but two of them died.h-a-n-h

Despite the heartbreak, her rescuers are grateful that they arrived in time and were able to help the brave mother and her five puppies.

Guardians of All Voiceless volunteers relocated the family to a foster care facility, where they recovered successfully. Fortunately, the puppy recovered and began to walk.h-a-n-h

She demonstrated such strength six days after her rescue that she no longer needed treatment. She ate a lot and quickly revealed her sweet and tender personality.h-a-n-h

Her story spread throughout the community, and several people approached her to pamper her pups and the brave mother who never ceases to amaze everyone by doing an incredible job.

This adorable furball is overjoyed to see her puppies grow, and she never stops smiling and showering them with love.

Perhaps she did not have the benefit of growing up in a loving home with responsible adults. However, the fate of her pups appears to be changing.h-a-n-ho

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