Lamz.Settlement Dubbed ‘England’s Pompeii’ Offers Fascinating Insights into Prehistoric Life

Lamz.Settlement Dubbed ‘England’s Pompeii’ Offers Fascinating Insights into Prehistoric Life

The remarkable discovery at Must Farm Quarry in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, often referred to as ‘England’s Pompeii,’ has revealed a fascinating prehistoric settlement. This Bronze Age site, featuring around 10 circular wooden houses on stilts, was inhabited for less than a year before it was destroyed by fire in 850 BC.

The Mystery of the Fire

The cause of the fire that razed this settlement remains a mystery. The rapid spread of the blaze suggests it could have been the result of an attack or an unfortunate accident. Despite the devastation, the fire, combined with waterlogging, has preserved a wealth of artefacts that offer an unparalleled glimpse into daily life nearly 3,000 years ago.

Remarkable Artefacts Unearthed

Archaeologists have uncovered an array of well-preserved artefacts, including:

200 wooden items 150 textile pieces 128 pottery vessels 90 metal objects


These items were found exactly where they fell, providing direct insight into how these homes were used and organized.

Technological Sophistication

The site at Must Farm reveals that its inhabitants possessed sophisticated technology. The tools and pots discovered were designed for practicality and efficiency, showcasing the advanced skills and knowledge of Bronze Age people.

Ongoing Research and Exhibitions

The extensive research conducted at Must Farm is documented in new publications by the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Additionally, some of the fascinating artefacts from this site are now on display at the Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery, allowing the public to engage with this extraordinary window into prehistoric life.


The Must Farm Quarry excavation offers a unique and invaluable perspective on prehistoric life in Britain. Its exceptional preservation and the breadth of artefacts uncovered provide a rare opportunity to understand the daily lives, technological advancements, and potential hazards faced by our ancient ancestors. This site truly lives up to its moniker as ‘England’s Pompeii,’ offering rich insights into a world long past.

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