Lamz.Taking It Step by Step: Baby Elephant Learning to Walk Takes a Tumble Trying to Keep Up with the Herd

Lamz.Taking It Step by Step: Baby Elephant Learning to Walk Takes a Tumble Trying to Keep Up with the Herd

The moment a baby elephant, still learning how to walk properly, took a tumble as it tried to keep pace with the rest of its herd has been captured in a series of stunning photos.
The adorable animal is thought to be less than a month old but was pictured trying to walk alongside the older animals.
The pictures were captured by wildlife photographer Leighton Lum, 33, of Aiea, Hawaii, at the Ambolseli National Park in Kenya.
Leighton said: ‘I noticed this particular elephant was a lot smaller than the rest of his siblings and my guide confirmed that he was probably less than a month old.
‘It was cool to just watch him and how he started to learn from the adults like blow dirt to expose the grass underneath.
‘The baby elephants don’t have the strength or the stamina to keep up with the adults so after walking around the park all day searching for food this little guy is exhausted.
‘It’s hard not to get attached to animals like this, he was just so adorable, and it was amazing to document his.’
Uh oh! This is the moment a baby elephant, still learning how to walk properly, took a tumble as it tried to keep pace with the rest of its herd
Uh oh! This is the moment a baby elephant, still learning how to walk properly, took a tumble as it tried to keep pace with the rest of its herd
The adorable animal is thought to be less than a month old but was pictures trying to walk alongside the rest of the herd
The adorable animal is thought to be less than a month old but was pictures trying to walk alongside the rest of the herd
Blowing dirt: Wildlife photographer Leighton Lum, 33, of Aiea, Hawaii, who spotted the baby elephant at the Ambolseli National Park in Kenya said: 'It was cool to just watch him and how he started to learn from the adults like blow dirt to expose the grass underneath'
Blowing dirt: Wildlife photographer Leighton Lum, 33, of Aiea, Hawaii, who spotted the baby elephant at the Ambolseli National Park in Kenya said: ‘It was cool to just watch him and how he started to learn from the adults like blow dirt to expose the grass underneath’
Wait up! The baby elephant raised its trunk towards one of the older elephants in the herd as it tried its best to keep pace with them
Wait up! The baby elephant raised its trunk towards one of the older elephants in the herd as it tried its best to keep pace with them
Without the strength or stamina that the older elephants in the herd have, the smaller animal was left tired from a day of walking
Without the strength or stamina that the older elephants in the herd have, the smaller animal was left tired from a day of walking
Staying close! The infant animal was spotted nuzzling up close to one of the older elephants as it walked alongside its herd
Staying close! The infant animal was spotted nuzzling up close to one of the older elephants as it walked alongside its herd
Oh dear! Having been on its feet for a long time, the baby elephant tripped over its front legs and started falling to the floor
Oh dear! Having been on its feet for a long time, the baby elephant tripped over its front legs and started falling to the floor
Attempting a graceful descent to the floor, the elephant also lowered its back legs, trying to sit rather than fall down
Attempting a graceful descent to the floor, the elephant also lowered its back legs, trying to sit rather than fall down
Just needs a second: Having reached the floor, the elephant leans up against one of the older members of its herd
Just needs a second: Having reached the floor, the elephant leans up against one of the older members of its herd
Tired out: Still exhausted from its full-on day of walking, the elephant rolls onto its side for a quick lie down
Tired out: Still exhausted from its full-on day of walking, the elephant rolls onto its side for a quick lie down

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