Scientists ѕрot Adorable 'Piglet Squid' 1,000 Miles South of Hawaii During deeр Sea Expedition 4,500 Feet Below Sea Level.thorr

Scientists ѕрot Adorable ‘Piglet Squid’ 1,000 Miles South of Hawaii During deeр Sea Expedition 4,500 Feet Below Sea Level.thorr

An adorable piglet squid has been spotted in its natural home deep in the Pacific Ocean by a team of passing researchers.

The inquisitive animal was snapped on camera by the E/V Nautilus team exploring the Palmyra Atoll earlier this month.

They spotted the creature at 4,500ft (1,385m) and paused to enjoy the moment with the small marine animal.

The inquisitive piglet squid (pictured) was snapped on camera by the E/V Nautilus team exploring the Palmyra Atoll earlier this month

Researchers spotted the creature at 4,500ft (1385m) and paused to enjoy the moment with the small marine animal

The Nautilus team, from non-profit organisation Ocean Exploration Trust, used an ROV (Remotely operated underwater vehicle) to enjoy the quick close-up.

The see-through piglet squid (Helicocranchia sp.) is named for its large siphon that looks like a snout.

The Nautilus team, from non-profit organisation Ocean Exploration Trust, used an ROV (Remotely operated underwater vehicle) to enjoy the quick close-up with the tiny squid (pictured)

The experts who found the squid said: ‘Squids, like other cephalopods, move using a structure called a siphon to pull and push the surrounding water like a jet pump’

The chance encounter occurred at the remote Palmyra atoll located 1,000 miles south of Hawaii

The researchers explained: ‘[The animals are] able to regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, this stunning squid is often observed with its tentacles flared above its head.’

The chance encounter occurred at the remote coral atoll located 1,000 miles south of Hawaii.

The team elaborated: ‘Squids, like other cephalopods, move using a structure called a siphon to pull and push the surrounding water like a jet pump.

‘This cephalopod, Helicocranchia pfefferi aka the piglet squid, gained its name for the enlarged siphon that resembles a snout.

‘Able to regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, this stunning squid is often observed with its tentacles flared above its head like a wild hairdo or as one team member called it – reindeer antlers.’

The researchers that spotted the squid said: ‘[The animals are] able to regulate buoyancy with an ammonia-filled internal chamber, this stunning squid is often observed with its tentacles flared above its head’

The team use a ROV (Remotely operated underwater vehicle) (pictured) to explore deep waters and stumbled across the close encounter with the piglet squid

Pictured: E/V Nautilus research ship. The expedition found the animal by chance using their remote controlled oceanic explorer

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