20 Of The Biggest Animals Ever Caught On Camera

20 Of The Biggest Animals Ever Caught On Camera





There are some things in this world that just make my hair stand up. The first is heights and the second would be creepy, unusual creatures. These creatures are the types that nobody really knows what their existence is for other than to crawl around and freak you out. The bugs with the hideous fur, or the flying monsters that have creepy eyes. These are the type of animals, in my opinion, that should be left on the movie screen or cartoons. But, unfortunately for us, there is an entire world of animals that most people don’t even know about. I, for one, am extremely grateful that these freakish beasts, I mean animals, don’t reside anywhere near me. At least I hope not anyways. Warning: if you don’t like your hair standing up, stomach turning, or being terrified, you may just want to avoid the following giant animal pictures.

25 Largest Animals Ever Caught On Camera - YouTube

1. Meet Brutus, he is an 18 foot crocodile.

2. Just taking the trash out when you spot this humongous Coconut Crab.

3. How about a pig from China that weighs in an a whopping 1984 pounds?

4. This thing is not a fake, it is a flying fox from Bismarck.

5. Um… NO! This is a massive Japanese spider crab which can grow 12 feet wide and 42 pounds.

6. How would you like to run into this Nomura Jellyfish?

7.  This one is freaky. It is a Amazonian Centipede, this bad boy can grow up to 12 inches long.

8. This one isn’t so bad, it is a Flemish Giant.

9. This is Trigger. He is 6’5 and weighs in over 2200 lbs.

10. Meet George, he is the largest dog in the world. He stood 7 foot 3 inches, unfortunately he passed away in 2013.

11. This one makes my stomach turn. It is a Goliath Tarantula.

12. This is Rupert the cat, he weighs in at approx 25 lbs.

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