2 Stray Dogs Stгᴜɡɡɩіпɡ to Survive on the Streets Receive Life-Changing Help from a Kind Stranger. nobita

2 Stray Dogs Stгᴜɡɡɩіпɡ to Survive on the Streets Receive Life-Changing Help from a Kind Stranger. nobita

2 Stray Dogs Struggled To Survive On The Streets, But Then Somebody Amazing Came To Help

Winter is a difficult season for our small, four-legged companions. Hypothermia is a constant risk for a dog left outside on a chilly winter day, regardless of how much (or how carefully) you feed them.

Unfortunately, that sanctuary was far away for Moose and Greta.

Even during what can only be characterized as the darkest of times, this devoted pair of puppies wandering the streets of Memphis, Tennessee, has never parted ways. They cuddled up close to one another in the frigid cold and hoped for the best throughout the snowstorm.

A Heartbreaking Sight

dogs abandoned on the street

Suzy Hollenbach, of All 4s Rescue League, from Memphis, Tennessee, was well-aware of Moose and Greta’s situation, and she immediately rushed to help.

“I would see them sleeping on junk scraps or in the field behind the corner store. We called them in several times to at least get them safe but nothing happened. Fast forward to the storm and I come by and there they are curled along the back of the store just enduring the snow,” she wrote on rescue’s Facebook.

She notified Memphis Animal Services about the dogs’ terrible condition and the fact that they were actually freezing. But, when MAS reported that they had no room available for these two, she took the matter into her own hands.

two stray dogs outdoor

Throughout her organization, Suzy was able to find these two stray beauties a foster on the same day. The volunteer, Rebecca, gladly accepted them into her home, but what she witnessed within the next 24 hours truly broke her heart.

When they finally settled in and got comfortable after freezing in the cold for so long, both Moose and Greta immediately fell asleep – and they slept through the whole day!

They were so exhausted and weak from such difficult street conditions, and a long, well-deserved nap was all it took.

Then came a real shocker! The pawsitive one, though!

The Pawfect Outcome

dog at home

Shannon Carpenter disproved everyone’s initial assumption that Moose and Greta would have a difficult time finding a foster home or a permanent one!

In order to provide these two cute puppies with a temporary sanctuary until they are able to find a lifelong love, an enormously kind foster volunteered to accept them into her own house. Alternatively, as she believed!

dogs on bed

Within just a few weeks of being around their foster mom, Greta and Moose transformed into wonderful companions. They adopted basic obedience manners, learned how to live inside a house, and, most of all – they learned to never leave their momma’s side!

“They never leave my side unless I have to go somewhere they can’t go. No leash. They know where home is, very well. Such good babies,” Shannon said on Facebook.

Despite their history, both pups behaved like they had always had a family. With their loving nature and just the sweetest personalities, they were such a delight!

dogs on the couch outdoor

Shannon found that she was unable to part with Moose and Greta soon after she consented to house them. She made the decision to adopt them permanently.

The amazing trio currently resides on a farm where they all enjoy enjoyable hobbies and countless adventures.

What was once a short-term foster home is now referred to as a permanent residence. And that’s the ideal combo for Moose, Greta, and Shannon!

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